Voices from the Margins
I am a churchman wh0 believes the church despite its flaws is a privileged place to grow and nurture ones faith. Unfortunately for many it is a place of hurt and exclusion. Here I offer an invitation for those living on the margins to share their voice, be it in the form of story, lament, prayer or poetry. All submissions will be considered. To submit a contribution for consideration please use the email address listed below. I only ask that you include your name (or initials)
Woman for sale
How many times can I buy a new body?
Click checkout on the cart,
Expected delivery
5-10 business days.
Never am I reminded so much of my biology than when shopping for a package to put it in.
I consume to become consumable.
nothing more pink than a parcel.
Collecting the spoils of targeted advertisements,
Account balance inches close to zero
Don't forget to check back next week
spring/summer season is upon us
How long will this last?
Turn up the tv just to drown out the traffic
Just another box on the to-do list,
New lace chafes.
Shit. let out an unconvincing tremble.
Dead weight. he's finished.
Nothing tastes as good as wanted feels.
How can I be defined by something as fickle as desire?
Good thing dolls don't have to deal in autonomy
Oh look, my package is out for delivery